Amber Ontiveros

Have you noticed that sometimes when people speak something that resonates, you feel it deep down in your belly? And then you promptly forget?

Dr. King’s teachings evoke that feeling in me.

Beyond history, they are timeless wisdom guiding me today. I’ve written down 10 insights below, as a compass for the times I inevitably lose my way.

Take what resonates. Leave the rest.

1: The Magic of Love

Dr. King reminds me that love isn’t just a mushy feeling. It’s a powerhouse that shakes things up, stitching hearts together into a beautiful quilt of unity. When we dive into love, especially self-love, it’s a superpower that dissolves the crappy stuff, healing wounds, sparking understanding, and creating positive vibes. LOVE is a game-changer that can build a world full of connection and compassion. I love that vision.

2: The Urgency to Act

Dr. King’s call for action, especially in the powerful “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” is like a megaphone echoing through time. It reminds me that the clock is always ticking, urging me to rise up for what’s right. The time is now, and my voice is needed in this world.

3: We Are Stronger Together

Dr. King’s dream teaches me to find strength in our differences and collaborate toward a world where harmony wins. Always. I see his vision as a compass guiding me through the complexities of a diverse world. Our collective strength, when united, can lead us on a clear path toward a harmonious and interconnected existence.

4: Character Over Everything

Living in a world obsessed with looks, Dr. King’s emphasis on character over appearance is a validating reminder. It challenges me to appreciate individuals for who they truly are inside. This thought emerges whether I’m looking at you, or in the mirror.

5: Fight for Justice

Decades of advocating for civil rights instilled in me a passion for justice, guided by Dr. King’s wisdom. Today, as I focus on healing and bridging social divides, his influence remains ever-present. My commitment to standing against inequality and tirelessly advocating for fairness persists, albeit with a new approach.

6: Use My Voice

Finding the courage to speak up feels impossible at times, until I remember Dr. King’s fearless actions. Inspired by his unwavering commitment, I muster the strength to find and use my voice, trusting it will emerge exactly when I need it most.

7: Empowerment through Education

Dr. King’s belief in the power of education is a big one for me. It’s a reminder that my hunger for learning and my beginner’s mind can be my secret sauce for positive change. This applies to my personal development and its impact on the broader community.

8: Compassion Always Wins

Dr. King’s strong compassion, extending beyond his fight for justice, teaches me that empathy and kindness aren’t just nice-to-haves. They’re essential in every part of life, my back-pocket tool that makes a difference in big movements and everyday moments.

9: Equality for All

Dr. King’s dream of equality for everyone is a call to action. I feel it in my bones, this need to actively promote inclusivity and diversity. His vision is a reminder that we’re all part of a beautiful mosaic, even you! And it’s up to each of us to celebrate every shade and hue.

10: Faith in Perseverance

Dr. King’s unwavering faith during challenging times is a beacon for me. In the face of adversity, he believed in something greater than himself and the collective strength we hold. His demonstrations of faith are a reminder for me to nurture my faith, whatever form it may take, and trust in the resilience that comes with it.

Conclusion …

As I reflect on Dr. King’s enduring wisdom, I’m reminded that these insights are not just words on a page; they’re calls to action. What if we carry his teachings forward, weaving them into our daily lives, and strive for a world where love, justice, and equality reign supreme?