Amber Ontiveros

“Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they cannot communicate; they cannot communicate because they are separated.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Have you ever thought about the origins of separation? Separation from you. Separation from love. From your true essence?

Back in the day, this detachment thing had me crazy confused. It was a mixture of discord, fear, and a whole lot of separation anxiety. Like a puzzle I couldn’t solve, it ultimately took a wake-up call—a near-death experience in 2016—that turned everything on its head. That wild ride became the backbone of my book, Heal the Four Woundings. I was shown not just the root causes of discord, but also a path to healing, led by the magic of self-love.

Life’s journey is a wild ride of unexpected turns, and mine took a detour to that pivotal moment in 2016. Saying that day changed my life always feels like a joke or an understatement. During the experience, raw emotions of discord, fear, and separation were on full display. And it was as if the Infinite Creator, in all of his wisdom, held up a mirror, reflecting not just the disharmony within me but also the disharmony echoing in the world.

So, what did I do?

I had no choice but to embrace a deep healing journey, diving into what I now call the four woundings—those sneaky influences shaping our beliefs and perceptions.

I am not worthy

I am not enough

I have to win

I don’t have enough

The deeper I got into the wounds of unworthiness, inadequacy, the need to win, and scarcity, I began to see how these internal struggles play out in the external discord we see everywhere. I wanted to change that narrative.

There’s an obvious anecdote to discord.

Yet, amidst the chaos of discord, you know what happened? I began to recognize this feeling I hadn’t had in a very long time. It felt foreign and familiar all in the same breath.


Love seamlessly emerged as the transformative elixir. More specifically, self-love. And this force began to guide me through the labyrinth of discord, lighting one path after another, as I progressed.

Guided by the lessons of my near-death experience, I began to grasp things that had been hiding in plain sight. I craved harmony. I looked for it everywhere–my family, my romantic relationships, my friendships, even exchanges with strangers. It took a minute, but eventually it clicked. What I finally realized was something you and I have always known. The thing that I deeply and desperately needed was buried deep inside me all along.


Self-love became the key to breaking down the the walls of separation and fear I’d created for protection. Imagine, walking through life feeling alone. Desperate for connection, while all along the secret to that connection was sitting right inside?

Self-love has the power to transform.

I know. It’s an age-old concept. But oh how easily we forget this gem. It’s refreshing and simple because it means transformation is always within reach. It means moving from discord to harmony is always on the table. If we can embrace love, we can build bridges from one island to another, heal the wounds that lead us straight to discord, and pave the way for a harmonious existence. See, self-love isn’t just a solo journey – it connects us all.

You are worthy

You are enough

You don’t have to win

You have enough