Amber Ontiveros

If you’re reading this, you might be on a journey of self-discovery. Or maybe you’re just trying to figure out how to deal with what happens to you when someone you love (or just someone you know) says or does something mundane or shitty and you have a reaction. Like, a big reaction. In other words, you’re triggered. I want to offer one approach to navigating those pesky triggers that love to sneak up on us and wreak emotional havoc.


Those little emotional landmines that go off at the most inconvenient times are here to stay. But fear not, my love! I’ve got your back, and we’re about to embark on a roadmap to take you from “Oh helllll no” to emotional freedom, aka “Ahhhh.”

Triggers 101: Unraveling the Mystery

To begin, let’s break down the concept of triggers. Picture them as messengers from your past, delivering packages of unresolved emotions. They’re similar to unexpected guests who like to show up uninvited, disrupting the peace and demanding your full attention.

I like to look at triggers as clues – breadcrumbs guiding us to wounds we’ve somehow missed along the way. These emotional triggers act as neon signs, lighting up areas where we can dig in, untangle threads, and hopefully liberate ourselves.

The Dance with Discomfort

Now, here’s the thing – you probably know that navigating triggers isn’t always a walk in the park. It’s more like a dance, a rhythmic movement between discomfort and healing. And some of us will go back and forth between the two a few times before we find our balance. Embracing the discomfort is the first step. It’s like acknowledging the dance floor is crowded, but you’re ready to boogie, so you step out and make room for your body to move.

Your Roadmap to Freedom

So, how do we waltz through the discomfort and emerge on the other side, lighter and freer?

Here’s a process you can try:

Awareness: The dance begins with awareness. Recognize your triggers when they show up. Name them, observe them, and invite them to the dance floor.

Curiosity: Dive into curiosity. Ask yourself why this particular situation or comment triggered such a strong reaction. What old wounds is it poking at? Be gentle with yourself as you explore.

Compassion: Extend compassion to yourself. Remember, healing is a journey, not a sprint. Be patient and loving as you navigate the twists and turns.

Release: This is your opportunity to release the old baggage. Acknowledge the pain, thank it for its lessons, and then let it go. You’re making space for something new.

Empower: Empower yourself with the knowledge that you hold the reins. You’re not a passive observer; you’re the conductor of your emotional orchestra. Choose the notes that resonate with your healing.

As you embark on your journey of emotional freedom, acknowledge that triggers, those emotional messengers from your past, may linger. But don’t worry too much. This roadmap can guide you from the emotional havoc we go through to a renewed sense of liberation. I challenge you to try. And I truly love hearing about how it works for you.

After you find yourself embracing the initial discomfort more and more each time, you’ll start to see signs of freedom. Freedom from big responses to little triggers. Freedom from fear of overreactions. Freedom from darkness into light. And that, my friend, is a great start.

Want more? Grab a copy of Heal the Four Woundings.